Tuesday 27 April 2010

Minutes: 27/04/2010

Tasks achieved:
Stress Analysis completed for final design. (R. Dhillon & A. Daniels)
CAD Modelling of Crane complete, engineering drawings, animations and rendered images were also produced for insertion into the presentation. (J. Collins)
Tender Presentation almost complete, awaiting financial analysis, tasked to A. Dhillon, other constituent parts have all been given to A. Compton for compilation. (A. Compton)

Tasks identified:
Final Presentation Group Rehearsal
Conclusions/Final Analysis of project from group members?


J. Collins
A. Daniels
A. Compton
R. Dhillon

Future Meetings:
Final tender presentation - 10am - Rm 568

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Project Schedule

  • Initial Group Meeting Tues 09.03.10 - 10.30am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 11.03.10 - 1pm
  • Project Meeting [loft] 16.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 18.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 22.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 25.03.10 - 1pm
  • Project Meeting [loft] 19.04.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 22.04.10 - 1pm
  • Tender Proposal Due - 23.04.10
  • Project Meeting [loft] 26.04.10 - 9.00am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 28.04.10 - 08.00am
  • Tender Presentation [mb 568] 28.04.10 - 10am
  • Group Blog Deadline - 28.04.10 - 23.59