Tuesday 27 April 2010


Close up of the end of the crane, showing detail of position of pins, beam end caps and telescopic legs.

Crane with legs collapsed

Crane with legs extended

Short video showing an animation of the components of the crane being exploded.

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Project Schedule

  • Initial Group Meeting Tues 09.03.10 - 10.30am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 11.03.10 - 1pm
  • Project Meeting [loft] 16.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 18.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 22.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 25.03.10 - 1pm
  • Project Meeting [loft] 19.04.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 22.04.10 - 1pm
  • Tender Proposal Due - 23.04.10
  • Project Meeting [loft] 26.04.10 - 9.00am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 28.04.10 - 08.00am
  • Tender Presentation [mb 568] 28.04.10 - 10am
  • Group Blog Deadline - 28.04.10 - 23.59