Tuesday 9 March 2010

Minutes: 09/03/10

Project roles allocated:

· Project Manager – Amy Compton

· Finance Officer - Andy Daniels

· Chief Designer – James Collins

· Stress Analyst – Romi Dhillon

· Materials Specialist - Amardeep Dhillon

Future Meetings decided:
- Thursday's 1pm Loft.
- Monday's 1pm Loft.

Attendees of todays meeting:
A. Compton
J. Collins

1 comment:

  1. So what came from Thursday's meeting ? Can I be confident that group C are professional enough to do the job ?


Project Schedule

  • Initial Group Meeting Tues 09.03.10 - 10.30am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 11.03.10 - 1pm
  • Project Meeting [loft] 16.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 18.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 22.03.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 25.03.10 - 1pm
  • Project Meeting [loft] 19.04.10 - 10am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 22.04.10 - 1pm
  • Tender Proposal Due - 23.04.10
  • Project Meeting [loft] 26.04.10 - 9.00am
  • Project Meeting [loft] 28.04.10 - 08.00am
  • Tender Presentation [mb 568] 28.04.10 - 10am
  • Group Blog Deadline - 28.04.10 - 23.59